Plants for Sale at Willowrise Gardens!
Welcome back! We will soon be open for the 2024 spring season! We hope we see you soon!

NOTE: The pictures below show how the plants will someday look. Right now, they are quite small. But they will grow larger!
Willowrise Gardens is a Garden Shop located just north of Spring City, Utah. We sell hardy berry, fruit, and nut plants that are especially adapted for our USDA hardiness zone 4-5 Sanpete county climate. Get ready for the 2024 spring season, because we’ll be carrying some particularly fun and hardy fruits and berries that can thrive in our cold climate (all our berries are varieties you can eat!). Though we don’t yet know all the varieties we’ll be carrying this year, here are a few we’ve carried in years past (and be sure to contact us to let us know if there is something you’d like us to carry—and the sooner the better!):
Allegheny Serviceberry

We have several apple varieties this year, including:
- Honeygold
- McIntosh
- Wolf River
Apricot, Manchurian Hardy
Asian Pear, Hosui and New Arrirang (these are going very quickly! Best not wait if you want one this year)
Looks like an apple, tastes like an extra juice, spiced pear. And these are cold hardy to zone 4—the cold hardiest Asian pear varieties we’ve found yet!

- (Wild) Black Cherry
- Nanking White Cherry (several varieties)
- Chokecherry
- Meteor Cherry

Chinese Chestnut

Currant, Golden

Including the following varieties:
- Adams
- John
- Nova
- York
- Wyldewood
Gooseberry, Pixwell
Of the varieties of gooseberries we’ve grown, Pixwell seems to do best in our cold, dry, Sanpete climate. And they DO do well, growing gooseberries the size of grapes!
We have several cold-hardy grape varieties, including:

- Bluebell (the darling of the Sanpete-able grape-vines. The fruit tastes like little sacks of fresh, thick, purple grape juice.
- Elvira, a white (AKA green) grape that is both cold hardy and fairy alkaline tolerant.
- Beta: Much like the bluebell, also a deep purple/black grape and just as cold hardy.
- Fredonia
- King of the North
- Somerset Seedless (our only seedless grape this year)
Honeyberries (Czech 17, Blizzard, Boreal Beast, and Aurora. Tundra coming soon, too.)

Honeylocust, Thornless

Pear, Kieffer and Summercrisp
Lilac, Common Purple
Plum, American

Prune, Italian

Redbud (Eastern, AKA Canadian)

Rose, Woods

We also have an Etsy shop, where we sell seeds, fairy garden supplies, woodland arts and craft supplies.

Click here to get directions. Come visit our fairy garden shop, where you can come, purchase what you want, self-check-out, and go!